General FAQs

How to use our databases

  • No, VectorBite is an RCN (Research Coordination Network), an initiative focused on facilitating collaborative research across labs and individuals. Furthermore, the NIH/BBSRC-funded RCN focused primarily (though not exclusively) on human vector borne diseases. VectorByte aims to include substantial data on the vectors of plant and livestock VBDs as well.

    Also, note that VectorBiTE stands for Vector Behavior in Transmission Ecology, while VectorByte is disease Vectors + (tons of) Bytes of data!

  • No, it has transitioned to an unfunded community-led initiative over the next year. It will be continued together with the new project - as you can tell from our twitter accounts @VectorBiTE_RCN and @Vector_Byte.

  • Yes and no. VectorByte did begin as the ecoinformatics component of the VectorBite RCN. The new project will expand that modest beginning to a truly global resource covering a wider range of human and non-human disease vectors.

  • We have a steering committee being formed that includes experts across human, plant, and livestock VBD realms.

  • For VecDyn visit this link to see a list of column definitions, including which fields are required.

    For VecTrais, visit this link to see a list of column definitions, including which fields are required.

  • Please see this blog post for detailed examples and instructions for accessing the VecTraits API from .R.